The Work Itself

From this page you can access all the available pages that contain the direct public information projects and/or materials – what we’ve called “the work itself” as in the PI guides of the 1990’s.

The Sources of This Material

The material on the following pages are derived from many NA sources such as the World Service Office, (former) WSC Public Information Committee communications, the 1992 Guide To Public Information, the 1998 Draft Public Information Handbook, the 2006 Public Relations Handbook, local PI Subcommittees, Zonal Forums and individual members.

Your contribution or materials is greatly appreciated. Please contact us to add them to our site.

Some material  presented here is more for its historical significance rather than for its present value as public relations tools.  Where we can, we will cite this.  Please use discretion when using any of this material presented here within a group, service body or service committee. Please make the effort to use the most current public relations material from your area, region and World Services.

Below are the links to reach those pages:

Billboards and Transit Signs

Letter Writing in Public Relations

Meeting Lists

PI Within the NA Service Structure

Posters in Public Relations

Project Planning

Radio and TV Public Service Announcements (PSA)

Start Up & Structure

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

There is a wealth of information on NA service and public relations at the NAWS website, take a look at the Local Service Committee Resource area.